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Certain models are OEM or special versions and are denoted by “A-“, a five digit number, and potentially a voltage code. If your product has this “A-“ designation in the beginning of its model number, please contact the factory at 877.465.7867 or by using our secure online form for further assistance.
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Fluid Datasheets
Aquatene GM330264.40 KBAquatene GM390323.41 KBAquatene GM571317.32 KBBio-Filter BIOFL1434.09 KBDeRust-N GM993242.69 KBDetergent Neutralizer DN10226.16 KBInkitene GM975118.93 KBPeristaltic Tube Lubricant288.28 KBRegular Agitene438.47 KBRegular Agitene 141371.48 KBSolvent Saver261.77 KBSuper Agitene92.71 KBSuper Agitene 141315.95 KBSuper Aquatene GM360337.24 KBSuper Biotene GM550290.77 KBSuper Biotene GM660294.07 KBTurbo Biotene GM880349.77 KB
Manuals (OMI) - Diaphragm Pumps
Diaphragm One Half Inch Kit Air Service41.37 KBDiaphragm One Half Inch Kit Drum Mount457.81 KBDiaphragm One Half Inch Kit Fluid Service49.80 KBDiaphragm One Half Inch Kit Split Manifold97.67 KBDiaphragm One Half Inch Pump Aluminum3.22 MBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air Service63.21 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air Valve534.28 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air Valve End473.97 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air Valve Replacement559.45 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air Valve Seal529.92 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Air and Fluid Plate112.08 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Bolt-Through Diaphragm578.90 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Center Rebuild610.85 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Check Ball and Seat532.09 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Fluid Service59.41 KBDiaphragm One Inch Kit Two-Piece Bolt-Through Diaphragm581.70 KBDiaphragm One Inch Pump Aluminum477.20 KBDiaphragm One Inch Pump Polypropylene530.90 KBDiaphragm One Quarter Inch Kit Air Service37.23 KBDiaphragm One Quarter Inch Kit Fluid Service35.66 KBDiaphragm One Quarter Inch Pump Polypropylene346.15 KBDiaphragm Three Eighths Inch Kit Complete Service428.22 KBDiaphragm Three Eighths Inch Pump Polypropolyene1.28 MB
Manuals (OMI) - Filters
Bed-Filter-and Magnetic Separators1.35 MBBed Filter and Magnetic Seperation OMI1.35 MBBypass Kit Instructions98.97 KBBypass System Plumbing Diagram44.87 KBChillter OMI137.18 KBMagnetic Separator Wiring212.17 KBSuperflo Filters Parts List659.04 KBSurge Suppressor Filter Parts List51.70 KBTR and TL Air Fitting Assembly53.42 KBTR and TL Filter Assembly Diagram201.40 KBY-Strainer Kit Instructions32.27 KBbed-filter-and-magnetic-separators1.35 MB
Manuals (OMI) - Industrial Pumps
Centrifugal OMI Agitor Pumping Systems Manual835.03 KBCentrifugal OMI FM1.68 MBCentrifugal OMI Flange Mount Manual879.92 KBCentrifugal OMI IMS Manual97.25 KBCentrifugal OMI IMV Manual30.14 KBCentrifugal OMI LV Manual189.42 KBCentrifugal OMI TN - HR - HP Manual175.43 KBCentrifugal OMI VP Manual972.73 KBCentrifugal Parts List Agitor Parts List1.27 MBCentrifugal Parts List FM210.85 KBCentrifugal Parts List HP110.33 KBCentrifugal Parts List TNW420H Parts List258.15 KBCentrifugal Parts List TN Parts List503.83 KBCentrifugal Parts List VP and LV414.77 KBGear OMI SG Manual1.57 MBGear Parts List SG Parts List157.95 KBHigh Pressure OMI HSP Manual886.15 KBMulti-Stage OMI MSPR Manual85.28 KBMulti-Stage OMI MVP Manual108.71 KBStocklube OMI R6 and R12 Manual645.17 KB
Manuals (OMI) - Ink Pumps
Agitor Impeller Replacement805.52 KBAgitor Individual Pumps1.14 MBAgitor Pump Parts List1.27 MBAgitor Pumping Systems835.03 KBHR HV Ink Pump Parts List220.82 KBHR Pump Parts List470.50 KBQC Installation Instructions265.02 KBQD Bearing Kit Instructions305.25 KBQD Coupling Replacement Instructions720.22 KBQD QE Series Pump Parts List397.62 KBQH Series Pump Parts List106.55 KB
Manuals (OMI) - Mixers
Manuals (OMI) - Parts Washers
Accessory-795-23699FusibleLinkInstallationInstructions52.58 KBAccessory-AL-2WorkLight98.06 KBAccessory-OAPOilAbsorbentPad29.71 KBAccessory-TR-SeriesRollerPlatform594.33 KBAccessory-TurboBoostFiltrationSystem352.08 KBBioremediation Biomatic BIO436 and BIO536234.12 KBBioremediation Biomatic BIO822-A798.39 KBBioremediation Biomatic BIO922-A800.23 KBFluid Conditioning Oil Coalescer Connection Diagram95.26 KBFluid Conditioning Oil Coalescer OSEP-229.23 KBFluid Conditioning Oil Coalescer OSEP-5 and 5S225.95 KBFluid Conditioning Solvent Saver1.21 MBHP Indigo PCL CE-Edition1.05 MBHP Indigo PCL UL-Edition1.06 MBImmersion - T-Series Ultrasonic Liftkleen (Current)3.99 MBImmersion-T-SeriesUltrasonicLiftkleen(2013 and earlier)838.64 KBImmersion Liftkleen Class I104.79 KBImmersion Liftkleen Class II and III115.09 KBImmersion Liftkleen Class IV and V396.61 KBImmersion Liftkleen Connection Diagram2.19 MBImmersion TL-Series963.43 KBImmersion TR-Series Dryer2.85 MBImmersion TR-Series Heated3.08 MBImmersion TR-Series Unheated2.90 MBImmersion Turbo Clean-O-Matic1.26 MBManual Aqueous BIO922 (UL1204)1.12 MBManual Aqueous DH2264.03 MBManual Aqueous DH226 Parts List66.13 KBManual Aqueous DH436 and DH536235.00 KBManual Aqueous PH822229.15 KBManual Aqueous PH922-A800.23 KBManual HP Indigo PCL (CE)1.05 MBManual HP Indigo PCL (UL1204)1.06 MBManual Solvent 2R and H42RN Parts List231.86 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic (All Models NON-1204)1.13 MBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic (CE)992.53 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic (UL1204)999.73 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic 300 Parts List (NON-1204)348.90 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic 500 Parts List248.24 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic 800 Parts List123.63 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic 900 Parts List486.97 KBManual Solvent Clean-O-Matic 902 Parts List462.04 KBManual Solvent Drum Mount329.30 KBManual Solvent Drum Mount (UL1204)838.96 KBManual Solvent Flo-Bac2RandH42RN160.05 KBManual Solvent Handi-Kleen HK-150A1.52 MBManual Solvent Handi-Kleen PL36 Freeboard683.53 KBManual Solvent Handi-Kleen PL36 Parts List86.63 KBManual Solvent Handi-Kleen PL36 and PL4222.83 MBManual Solvent Handi-Kleen PL422 Parts List129.98 KBManual Solvent HandiKleen (UL1204) Post-May 2023895.88 KBManual Solvent HandiKleen (UL1204) Pre-May 2023673.02 KBManual Solvent ST Soak Tanks494.92 KBSpray Front and Top-Load Cabinet100.98 KBSpray Tempest Cabinet SWF957.64 KBSpray Tempest High Pressure2.36 MBSpray Tempest Manual MHF with Pump1.65 MBSpray Tempest SWF Front Load957.64 KBTL4524 Iso Rack Up small61.09 KBUltrasonic BTU Benchtop ANALOG104.82 KBUltrasonic BTU Benchtop DIGITAL988.79 KBUltrasonic BTV Benchtop1.22 MBUltrasonic CTU Console System1.42 MBUltrasonic SuperSonic1.42 MB