Aerospace Grade Parts Washers

In today's aerospace environment, parts cleaning must be effective, environmentally sound, and adaptable for cellular manufacturing. Graymills parts washers are manufactured in the USA, and provide the most diverse range of cleaning equipment of any manufacturer.
Graymills offers solutions for aerospace customers through parts washer systems and cleaning equipment. With successful installations across the United States and around the world, from Egypt to South Korea, we have a long history of experience working with airlines, maintenance hubs, and rebuilders. Graymills can supply parts washers (degreasers) to meet all requirements.
Graymills provides parts washing (degreaser) equipment solutions in manual, immersion, ultrasonic, and spray cleaning methodologies. The Graymills test lab can test different methods and chemistries on your sample parts and provide documenting video showing the results. Our machines can be customized to suit your requirements. Typical customizations provide automated loading/unloading, temperature controls, and multi-stage clean, rinse and dry.
Graymills has parts cleaners for manual solvent and automated aqueous cleaning. Our benchtop ultrasonic cleaners provide the option to clean parts with holes and hard to reach surfaces.
Contact us today for all your aerospace requirements.